What Cannabis Products Can Find at Flora Verde?

For the past several years, cannabis has some connection with the humankind. With the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in the state of California, cannabis stores and dispensaries have sprouted up all over the city with over 1,700 retail shops. Many producers have crossbred several cannabis strains in the California soil, while consumers luxuriate in smoking marijuana and buying loads of weed without the stigma of criminalization. However, in a state where you can purchase marijuana products in many areas, it is essential to know the best cannabis store where you can pick up the top-shelf quality greens.


Since cannabis products have become more legal in several states, the industry continues to expand. Many politicians now include total weed legalization on their platforms, and videos about a mom becoming a millionaire due to selling edibles have trended in local news. Today, it has reached the suburbs, and many companies try to level up their marketing efforts. However, it is not easy to market such products, especially across the web. Search engines like Yahoo and Google are keen on letting businesses and individuals promote marijuana products on their websites even if its production place has legalized cannabis.


Despite several roadblocks, the popularity of cannabis has surged the explosion of cannabis products today. Whether you are into vaping after long working hours or snacking on edibles while getting lost in your favorite videos on YouTube, there is at least one product store for you.

  • Cannabis Oil

Since the popularity of medical marijuana continues to soar, the most sought-after product that consumers seek is the CBD or cannabis oil. Based on some anecdotes and articles, many believe that CBD oils can cure ailments, provide relief from chronic pain, and even cure cancer without any psychoactive reactions. Also, CBD oils have low traces of THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, so it would not give the user the high that people usually associate with marijuana.

  • Cannabis Skin Care Products

Many beauty and skin care products infused with CBD have launched for the past years. Its most enticing attributes are its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. According to experts, CBD might be the ticket to clear skin since it can help suppress acne breakouts by regulation excessive oil production of the sebaceous glands.

  • Cannabis Capsules

One of the newest products in the medical cannabis industry is cannabis capsules. Similar to cannabis oils, capsules infused with CBD comes in varying potencies depending on its licensed producer. Consumers should note that it is best to follow the golden rule of titration: “start slow and go slow.”


Quality is a point of pride when it comes to cannabis products. Whether you are looking for the best value or the highest quality cannabis products, you can feast your eyes and enjoy a variety of curated and express cannabis products with North County’s most knowledgeable and friendly budtenders in Flora Verde! Visit our shop today and find out why many consumers are making Flora Verde their recreational dispensary of choice in North County San Diego.

Areas We Service Cannabis Patients:


San Marcos

